Corporation Consulting
Corporation Setup
This is where we determine which Business Entity best meets your needs. DBA - LLC with S-Election - S-Corp - C-Corp
Corporation Compliance
Corporate compliance covers both internal policies and procedures, as well as federal and state laws. Enforcing compliance helps your company prevent and detect violations of rules, which protects your organization from fines and lawsuits. The compliance process should be ongoing.
Amendments include but are not limited to changes to the name of the Corporation, Percentage of Ownership, Corporate Address and changes to Officers ETC.
Conversions/ Dissolutions
“Conversions” Allowing you to Convert from LLC to S-Corp or C-Corp
“Dissolutions” Dissolving a Company ensures that you are no longer liable for business taxes or filings in your state. Officially dissolving your business also puts creditors on notice that your entity can no longer incur business debts.
DBA/Business Filings
A trade name, which is the DBA, may well be a business’s most valuable asset Through its DBA, a business helps the public form a positive association between the name and the business’s services or products
Notary Services
You can be assured when using us that all your loans and other important documents will be
properly notarized We are committed to providing you with an effortless notary experience at competitive rates We provide a local notary anytime anywhere
Corporation Setup
Business owners are protected from personal liability from company debts and obligations Corporations are the best vehicle for eventual public companies
Business Payroll
One of the most complex aspects to running a business is payroll. Ensuring that payroll is calculated correctly is imperative to the growth of your business. WE MAKE PAYROLL EASY!
Our team will make sure that your payroll is set up correctly so it is one less thing you will have to worry about as a business owner.
Marketing / Sales Consulting
Branding & Identity
Branding goes way beyond just a logo or graphic element When you think about your brand, you really want to think about your entire customer experience We at Nobility Consulting can help you build your brand and establish your network
Web/Mobile Development
It is imperative to have a strong web presence to attract new customers Whether you are in need of an ecommerce website, a professional website to describe your business or a mobile app for your company, our team is well versed to provide your web and/or mobile app needs